
Friday 29 September 2017

Renewable/Non-renewable Resources


Students completed their spelling test and continued to work on International Day.


Learning goal: Students will use different strategies to subtract 4-digit numbers.

As a class, we reviewed how to borrow and how that carries onto 4-digit numbers. We worked on an example in class together on pg 44. question 6. For class work, students worked on pg. 46 questions 1 and 3.

Homework: Pg. 46 questions 2 and 4. Students who finished their homework in class will review the multiplication chart in their math spiral notebook over the weekend. We will be starting multiplication/division units next week.


Learning goal: Students will learn about renewable and non-renewable resources.

As a class we discussed the differences between by completing a cut and paste activity of renewable and non-renewable resources.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Math- Using Mental Math to Subtract

Happy Birthday Manny!
Thank you for the books that you contributed to our classroom 😊


Students continued to work on their good copy for International Day. Some students have completed their good copy and has started to decorate it!

Homework: Bring pictures related to your topic. Spelling test tomorrow.


Learning goal: Students will use strategies to subtract whole numbers.

Students were reminded to use the strategy of rounding numbers in order to estimate the answer for mental math subtraction. We also reviewed how to borrow in subtraction and showed students a video to help them review:

Homework: Math practice sheet (Students who completed this in class will have no math homework tonight).


Learning goal: Students will write a quiz on the physical regions of Canada.

Using the information from students' duotangs, they filled in the blanks about the 7 physical regions. They also filled in the blanks on the Canadian map to show where the regions are located.


Wear an orange shirt tomorrow!

Wednesday 27 September 2017

UOI- Natural Resources


Students are continuing to work on International Day. Students who have completed their rough drafts will have their worked checked to create the final copy. Students can also start to bring in pictures related to their topic to decorate their section.

Homework: Think about what pictures and props you would like to bring.


Learning goal: Students will use strategies to add 3 or more numbers.

Students learned to use the strategy of adding 2 sets of numbers together before adding on more.

For example: 1776 +1236= 3012; 3012 +2109= 5121

Students have been reminded to line up the numbers accordingly, so that when they are adding, the correct numbers in the same columns are being added together. Students are still practicing to round numbers when the question is asking to estimate.

Students completed practice pg. 39 questions 1 and 3.

Homework: Page 39 questions 2 and 4. Complete rounding numbers package if you haven't already done so.


Learning goal: Students will learn about natural resources.

As a class we watched a youtube video on what natural resources are:

We discussed the definition and listed examples of natural resources that meet the needs of people.
Students completed a cut and paste activity to identify natural and man-made resources.

Homework: Study where the 7 physical regions are on the Canadian map.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Terry Fox Run!

Terry Fox Run 

Shane presented a book on Terry Fox to the class!


Learning goal: Students will read Anne of Green Gables Chapter 4.

Students listened to the teacher read Anne of Green Gables Chapter 4 before completing comprehension questions. We spent the rest of the Language period preparing for International Day. Students are still working on paraphrasing their researched information.


Learning goal: Students will use strategies to add 3 and 4 digit numbers.

We reviewed the strategy of rounding numbers in order to estimate adding 3 and 4 digit numbers. We looked at explore and connect pg. 34 and competed practice pg. 36 questions 1 and 3.

Homework: Page 36 questions 2 and 4. Rounding Worksheet.


Students finished presenting their findings on their natural resources. With the rest of the time, students were given time to work on International Day.

UOI Quiz on Physical Regions- Thursday, Sept 28 
- Students need to memorize the 7 physical regions of Canada. The rest of the quiz requires students to use the information in their duotangs.


- Welcome Back BBQ forms due tomorrow
- Casual Day tomorrow

Monday 25 September 2017

Natural Resources


Learning goals: Students will learn about long-vowel sounds.

Spelling Lesson 3

As a class we read the story on page 9 and the TIP on page 10. We looked at some examples of long-vowel sounds on the board. Students wrote their spelling words for the week in their agendas and completed lesson 3 activities.

Homework: Complete lesson 3. Sign spelling test and write incorrect words 5 times.


Learning goal: Students will use mental math strategies to add whole numbers.

We discussed the mental math strategy of rounding numbers for students to use while we are adding whole numbers. We looked at "Explore" and "Connect" on page 31. Students completed pg 32-33 questions 1-3 in class.

Homework: Complete class questions 1-3, question 5 and the worksheet.


Learning goal: Students will learn about natural resources.

Students presented their findings on natural resources based on the chosen province/territory of their choice. We will finish the rest of the presentations tomorrow.

UOI Quiz on Physical Regions- Thursday Sept 28th


- Terry Fox Run is tomorrow. Students please come in your gym clothes, wear sunscreen and a hat. Also, we are still fundraising for the run!

- Welcome Back BBQ forms due Wednesday.

- Bake Sale Tues and Wednesday


Friday 22 September 2017

International Day Research

Reading Buddies 


Students completed Spelling Test 2 today.

International Day- Students started to look through the information they have brought in for the topics they were assigned and started to paraphrase the information into their language notebooks.

Students worked together with their group member(s) and identified key ideas they wanted to include for their research. Students are encouraged to think about what items they can bring in either for their topic or other topics assigned.

Homework: Start to bring pictures for your assigned International day topic next week.


Review Day

We took up the answers to the math practice sheet to ensure all students understood the concepts of standard form, words, and expanded form. Students asked questions for clarification and answers and explanations were provide on the board for students.


Hudson Bay Lowlands and Appalachian Region

Students continued to work on paraphrasing the Arctic, Canadian Shield and Great Lakes from yesterday. After, they worked together on the Hudson Bay Lowlands and Appalachian Regions.

Homework: Students are to choose a province/territory of their choice and research what the natural resources are and the importance for that region. Complete the questions on the handout and students will present their findings on Monday.


Hello Parent(s)/Guardians: 

We would like to send a friendly reminder to all parent(s)/guardian(s) to please label your child(ren)'s uniform pieces to help us retrieve items in a more efficient manner and to reduce the number of lost uniform pieces. All unidentified uniform pieces have been place in our lost and found box located outside of the gymnasium area, and all identified pieces have been returned to the appropriate students. 

We are also kindly asking all parent(s)/guardian(s) to please check your child's uniform labels to ensure that your child has not accidentally taken home someone else's uniform piece. If this is the case, please return the uniform piece to you child's homeroom teacher. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Melissa Chin
Vice Principal 
MYP Coordinator