
Tuesday 6 March 2018




Learning goal: Students will learn about alliteration

Students learned about what alliteration is and they completed worksheets to underline the alliteration in sentences.

Alliteration- the repetition of the same beginning sound in a group of words. It is like playing follow-the-leader with sound. (ex: five frisky frogs)


Students worked on a review package in class to prepare for their math test on Thursday.

Homework: Complete math review if not completed


Students continued to work on the good copy of their summative. Please have students bring their devices if they are working on


-Wacky Wednesday tomorrow!!

-The February after care invoices have been sent out. They are due on March 19th. After this date late charges will apply. If a child’s after care invoice has not been paid in full by March 28th, then the report card will be held until it is paid in full. -Ms. Ross

St. Jude's FC Soccer Team
By joining the Club you are becoming part of
the team. Club members have the opportunity
to play games against the other Ontario
Academy teams for the Spring/Summer
Outdoor season on the weekends. Club members
and SJA students alike enjoy the topnotch
training from our professional coaches,
but Club members get additional coaching.
St. Jude’s Academy students receive a 33% discount benefit!
(Because we already know that
SJA students are awesome!)
Club members get a complete uniform
(players need only provide cleats and shin guards.)
Please turn in completed forms to Dawn
Goulart or reception by March 31. For more

information, visit

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