
Friday 22 September 2017

International Day Research

Reading Buddies 


Students completed Spelling Test 2 today.

International Day- Students started to look through the information they have brought in for the topics they were assigned and started to paraphrase the information into their language notebooks.

Students worked together with their group member(s) and identified key ideas they wanted to include for their research. Students are encouraged to think about what items they can bring in either for their topic or other topics assigned.

Homework: Start to bring pictures for your assigned International day topic next week.


Review Day

We took up the answers to the math practice sheet to ensure all students understood the concepts of standard form, words, and expanded form. Students asked questions for clarification and answers and explanations were provide on the board for students.


Hudson Bay Lowlands and Appalachian Region

Students continued to work on paraphrasing the Arctic, Canadian Shield and Great Lakes from yesterday. After, they worked together on the Hudson Bay Lowlands and Appalachian Regions.

Homework: Students are to choose a province/territory of their choice and research what the natural resources are and the importance for that region. Complete the questions on the handout and students will present their findings on Monday.


Hello Parent(s)/Guardians: 

We would like to send a friendly reminder to all parent(s)/guardian(s) to please label your child(ren)'s uniform pieces to help us retrieve items in a more efficient manner and to reduce the number of lost uniform pieces. All unidentified uniform pieces have been place in our lost and found box located outside of the gymnasium area, and all identified pieces have been returned to the appropriate students. 

We are also kindly asking all parent(s)/guardian(s) to please check your child's uniform labels to ensure that your child has not accidentally taken home someone else's uniform piece. If this is the case, please return the uniform piece to you child's homeroom teacher. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Melissa Chin
Vice Principal 
MYP Coordinator


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