
Thursday 7 September 2017

Second House Game

We started off the morning with our second house game of the week!

Students had music with Mr. Oliver, Gym and French in the morning.

In the afternoon, students wrote down six goals in their language notebook that they have for the year and had to explain in detail how they were going to achieve those goals. Students are required to write in cursive at all times starting in Grade 4. They were introduced to what a SMART goal is:

S= Specific
M= Measureable
A= Attainable
R= Relevant
T= Timely

In math, students completed their Unit 1: Patterning Pre-Assessment. We will be starting our math unit next week in class.

In UOI, students reviewed five IB Learner Profiles- Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, and Principled. After a class discussion of each, students worked in their table groups to create a poster that represents the learner profile they were assigned. This serves as a reminder for students as to what it means to be an IB student and what it embodies for their academic year.

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